
Monday, September 24, 2007

Important Things About Noodles And Instant Noodles

I have to post it in two languages as the original message from e-mail came in Mandarin.

吃麵時請注意 非常重要 尤其在臺灣




會浮在水面的麵是有加入《明礬》 的。明礬的化學成分為硫酸鋁鉀,含有鋁離子。過量攝入人體內會影響人體對鐵,鈣等成分的吸收,導致骨質疏鬆,貧血,甚至影響神經細胞,尤其對兒童和老年人不利。老板為了撈麵時方便,明知有加明礬的麵不好,但反正是客人在吃,所以方便就好。天曉得這些年來我們吃了多少明礬下肚而不自知?】

當然有很多你們都聽過的病例;癌癥就是其中一例。那我就不多嘍嗦,哈拉。醫學臨床報告指出,臺灣 泡麵因為要有好湯頭,所以計量常常是美國營養餅的一倍之多,也是日本泡麵的四十倍以上,所以臺灣的泡麵最好吃。基本上也是最毒的。經過最注重健康的日本人估計,大概吃包臺灣的泡麵就需要肝臟解毒32天,其他的就更甭說了。所以啊,泡麵還是別常吃哦!祝:健康,快樂。

Did you know why noodles will float when it's cooked? It's because one of the ingredient in the noodle is Potassium Alum, commonly use in water purification and also found in baking powder and is very soluble in water. The solution is an astringent. Mild astringent solution is used to treat insect bites, minor cut and etc. However, over dose will affect the body function such as ion and magnesium absorption which later lead to osteoporosis, anemia or even affects the nerves system, especially to children and old people.

Above example is from Taiwan. We all know that too much instant noodles will cause cancer, but did you know why? Study conducted by health-conscious Japanese showed that additive in Taiwanese instant noodle is double the allowed US standard which is also 40 times higher than Japanese limit. That's why Taiwan's instant noodle is the most delicious. Just bear on thing in mind, if you really want to eat instant noodle, make sure you stop for 32 days for your liver to naturally detox before you take the second pack.

p/s: Who ever had pass the email around please let me know. I will put a link to your site. Thanks.

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